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Director Identification Number

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                    Director Identification Number


Director Identification Number

DIN is a unique Director identification number allotted by the Central Government to any person intending to be a Director or an existing director of a company.

It is an 8-digit unique identification number which has a lifetime validity. Through DIN, details of the directors are maintain in a database.

DIN is specific to a person, which means even if he is a director in 2 or more companies, he has to obtain only 1 DIN. And if he leaves a company and joins some other, the same DIN would work in the other company as well.





                                   Where is DIN used?

Whenever a return, an application or any information related to a company will be submit under any law, the director signing such return, application or information will mention his DIN underneath his signature



                          How to apply for DIN and relevant forms?

  • SPICe Form: Application for allotment of DINs to the proposed first Directors in respect of New companies made in SPICe form only.
  • DIR-3 Form: Any person intending to become a director in an already existing company have to make an application in eForm DIR-3 for allotment of DIN.
  • DIR-6 Form: Any changes in the particulars of the directors fill in form DIR-6



                  Reasons for Surrendering or cancelling the DIN?

So,The Central government cancel the DIN due to the following reasons:

  • If a duplicate DIN issue to the directort
  • DIN was obtain by fraudulent means
  • On the death of the concern person
  • The person  declare unsound mind by the court
  • The person adjudicated as insolvent





   Documents to be attached with the forms

For SPICe Form:
Attach Proof of Identity and Address Proof. DIN allocated to an applicant only after approval of the form
Form DIR-3:
a. Attachments:
Photograph, Identity proof, Residence proof, Verification (Name, father’s name, present address, date of birth, and text of declaration and physical signature of the applicant)
b. Documents to be attest by a CA or CS or CMA
Photograph, identity proof and residence proof attest by a Chartered Accountant or a Company Secretary or a Cost Accountant, in whole time practice.
c. Generation of DIN
Once the application fee is pay and the application is submit,because the system will generate an application number. Central Government will process the application and decide the approval/ rejection
Form DIR-6
For changing any details mentioned in the DIR-3 form/ SPICe with respect to Directors, then Form DIR-6 has to be submit online. With the form, the attested supporting document is also require to be submit